Welcome to Phason API Official Documentation API Reference

Access the Phason APIs to retrieve Autoflex Connect data.

Contact for support: APISupport@phason.ca

API Endpoint Response Examples
Schemes: https
Version: 1.0.2


OAuth2 protocol is used for Authentication..


To obtain the information needed to obtain access tokens so that you can utilize our API, please email us at APISupport@phason.ca

Phason login implemented in your website in order to connect the user to their phason user. This is done using the Authorization code flow. This proccess will return an access token that is needed to obtain data of that user. A refresh token will also be returned , which is used to obtain a new access token once the old access token expires. Read more here.

Client_secret_post is currently used to send client secret to the /token endpoint. The client_secret is placed in POST rather than basic authorization.

Once an access token is recieved, it can be used to access Phason API endpoints relating to the user account that logged in. Access tokens are placed in an authorization header like this: Bearer <access_token>

There are OAuth2 Client libraries that handle making requests to /auth and /token already written in various languages.

Steps to get a new Access Token for the first time (or if the Refresh Token has expired):

  1. One can invoke the callback URL which would take you to the Phason users' login page. One needs to login with their Phason Webservices Account credentials (The same account which was added while configuring AutoFlex).

    As an example, the callback URL should look like the following URL :

    Note: Please contact us for having their account setup (includes account specific callback URL, client ID and secret) for the authentication and access to Phason APIs.

  2. After successful login, one needs accept the consent. Following acceptance of the consent, the authentication servcie would provide you with the set of access and refresh tokens.
  3. Here is the link to checkout the responses from the POST request of the /refresh API:

Some important points on the lifespan of OAuth2.0 Access and Refresh tokens:

  1. The Access Token has a lifespan of 24 hours and you can refresh it for the next 168 hours or roughly 7 days to retreive a new set of Access and Refresh tokens.
  2. When refresh token expires, one has to login again into the callback API URL using phason accounts to generate a new set of tokens.
  3. If one phason account added to multiple devices, single set of tokens is adequate to access all devices for same phason account.


Grants read access

Response Example for Refresh endpoint (200 OK)
  "message": "New key issued",
  "code": "0",
  "expiry": "1647032643",
  "access_key": "acccess_key",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"
Response Example for Refresh endpoint (200 OK)
  "message": "Key Still Valid",
  "code": "0",
  "expiry": "1647032643",
  "access_key": "acccess_key",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"


User Autoflex devices.

GET /devices

Returns all user devices for the user for whom the token was created.

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "device_id": "5555",
  "device_name": "My AFX 2",
  "host_name": "AutoFlex-3AA2AA",
  "device_type": "AutoFlex Connect"
  "version": "3.08.01"
  "last_reported_on": "2024-07-23 05:55:55"


Rooms are a respresentation of a physical area.

GET /devices/{deviceId}/rooms

Returns all rooms for one device.

200 OK

successful operation

404 Not Found

No rooms found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "room_id": "1217",
  "room_name": "First Room"

Equipment Group

AutoFlex Equipment Groups

Group Types

Group Type Description Unit
1 Temperature °C
5 Static pressure Inches water column
9 Data only No valid readings
15 Windchill °C
16 Temperature humidity index THI
101 Ventilation grid °C

GET /devices/{deviceId}/equipment_groups

Returns all equipment groups in one device.

successful operation

404 Not Found

No equipment groups found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "group_id": "12402",
  "room_id": "1217",
  "group_type": "1",
  "group_type_description": "temperature",
  "group_name": "Group 1",
  "current_reading": "21.4",
  "alarm_code": "0",
  "alarm_time": "0",
  "target_value": "0",
  "target_lower_limit": "0",
  "target_upper_limit": "5",
  "reading_time": "2022-05-04 09:50:12"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/equipment_groups?start=yyyy-mm-dd&end=yyyy-mm-dd

Returns all equipment groups in one device between a start end and end date.

start: (yyyy-mm-dd)
in path

The start date for the device you want to get the settings for.

end: (yyyy-mm-dd)
in path

The end date for the device you want to get the settings for.

successful operation

404 Not Found

No equipment groups found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "group_id": "12402",
  "room_id": "1217",
  "group_type": "1",
  "group_type_description": "temperature",
  "group_name": "Group 1",
  "current_reading": "21.4",
  "alarm_code": "0",
  "alarm_time": "0",
  "target_value": "0",
  "target_lower_limit": "0",
  "target_upper_limit": "5",
  "reading_time": "2022-05-04 09:50:12"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/equipment_groups/settings

Returns equipment group settings for specific group.

group_id: integer
in path

The id for the group you want to get the settings for.

successful operation

404 Not Found

No equipment groups found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Success",
  "settings": [
      "setting_num": 1,
      "settings_name": "Room settings mode 1",
      "master_setpoint": 23.4

POST /devices/{deviceId}/equipment_groups/settings

Set equipment group settings for specific group.

group_id: integer
in query

The id of the group you want to get the settings for.

master_setpoint: integer
in query

New master setpoint in Celsius.

successful operation

404 Not Found

No equipment groups found

422 Unprocessable Entity

Missing post data

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Success",
  "settings": [
      "setting_num": 1,
      "settings_name": "Room settings mode 1",
      "master_setpoint": 23.4

Misting Group

Active start time / end time calculation


Active start time Calculations

GET /devices/{deviceId}/misting_groups

Returns all misting groups in one device.

200 OK

successful operation

404 Not Found

No misting groups found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "group_id": "12402",
  "room_id": "1217",
  "function_mode": "1",
  "active": "1",
  "active_start_time": "0",
  "active_end_time": "82800",
  "cycle_duration": "1980",
  "min_misting_duration": "60",
  "max_misting_duration": "120",
  "soak_duration": "180",
  "min_cycle_duration": "2940",
  "max_cycle_duration": "3900",
  "low_temp": "20",
  "high_temp": "26.7",
  "max_temp": "32.2",
  "pump_delay": "10",
  "humidity_bypass_active": "0",
  "humidity_setpt": "80",
  "humidity_module_num": "10",
  "humidity_io_num": "1",
  "low_thi": "68"
  "high_thi": "72"
  "max_thi": "78"
  "entered_by": "Jon Doe"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/misting_groups/settings

Returns misting group settings for specific group.

group_id: integer
in path

The id for the group you want to get the settings for.

successful operation

404 Not Found

No misting groups found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Success",
  "settings": {
      "settings_num": 0,
      "function_mode": 0,
      "active": 0,
      "active_start_time": 0,
      "active_end_time": 0,
      "cycle_duration": 0,
      "min_mist_duration": 0,
      "max_mist_duration": 0,
      "soak_duration": 0,
      "min_cycle_duration": 0,
      "max_cycle_duration": 0,
      "low_temp": 0,
      "high_temp": 0,
      "max_temp": 0,
      "pump_delay": 0,
      "humidity_bypass_active": 0,
      "humidity_setpt": 0
      "low_thi": "0"
      "high_thi": "0"
      "max_thi": "0"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/misting_groups/settings

Set misting group settings for specific group.

group_id: integer
in query

The id of the group you want to get the settings for.

function_mode: integer
in request form

The sprinkler modes: Soaking, Misting/Fogging, Smart Mode.

active: integer
in request form

Switched on or not.

active_start_time: integer
in request form

The start time of the function (0 - 86340 seconds).

active_end_time: integer
in request form

The end time of the function (0 - 86340 seconds).

cycle_dur: integer
in request form

Duration of the function in a cycle (60 - 86340 seconds).

min_mist_dur: integer
in request form

Minimum duration when Misting was enabled (60 - 86340 seconds).

max_mist_dur: integer
in request form

Maximum duration when Misting was enabled (60 - 86340 seconds).

soak_dur: integer
in request form

Soaking Duration for each sprinkler (60 - 86340 seconds).

min_cycle_dur: integer
in request form

Minimum cycle duration (60 - 86340 seconds).

max_cycle_dur: integer
in request form

Maximum cycle duration (60 - 86340 seconds).

low_temp: integer
in request form

Low set point temperature value (-10 to 51.7 Celsius).

high_temp: integer
in request form

High set point temperature value (-10 to 51.7 Celsius).

max_temp: integer
in request form

Maximum set point temperature value (-10 to 51.7 Celsius).

pump_delay: integer
in request form

Beginning of the active time of day. Sprinklers do not operate before this time (1-59 seconds).

humidity_bypass_active: integer
in request form

humidity_setpt: integer
in request form

low_thi: integer
in request form

high_thi: integer
in request form

max_thi: integer
in request form

successful operation

404 Not Found

No equipment groups found

422 Unprocessable Entity

Missing post data

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "misting setting change success.",
  "settings": {
    "settings_num": 0,
    "function_mode": 0,
    "active": 0,
    "active_start_time": 0,
    "active_end_time": 0,
    "cycle_duration": 0,
    "min_mist_duration": 0,
    "max_mist_duration": 0,
    "soak_duration": 0,
    "min_cycle_duration": 0,
    "max_cycle_duration": 0,
    "low_temp": 0,
    "high_temp": 0,
    "max_temp": 0,
    "pump_delay": 0,
    "humidity_bypass_active": 0,
    "humidity_setpt": 0
    "low_thi": 0
    "high_thi": 0
    "max_thi": 0


The time endpoint is used to get the current time and timezone request from a device. All readings are in the device's local time, as such conversions to other timezones required to know the unit's original time.

GET /devices/{deviceId}/time

Returns timezone and current time for a device.

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "datetime": "2022-05-23 09:54:23",
  "timezone": "America/Chicago"

Lighting Timed Events

The time event endpoint is used to get, set, update, delete schedule related parameters on AutoFlex.

GET /devices/{deviceId}/timed_statistic

Returns all the timed event related ids on a AutoFlex.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
    "device_id": 8446,
    "schedule_ids": [
        "schedule_id": 1,
        "segment_ids": [
            "segment_id": 1,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 2,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 3,
            "event_ids": [
        "schedule_id": 2,
        "segment_ids": [
            "segment_id": 2,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 3,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 4,
            "event_ids": [
        "schedule_id": 3,
        "segment_ids": [
            "segment_id": 5,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 6,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 4,
            "event_ids": [
        "schedule_id": 4,
        "segment_ids": [
            "segment_id": 6,
            "event_ids": [
        "schedule_id": 5,
        "segment_ids": [
            "segment_id": 7,
            "event_ids": [
            "segment_id": 8,
            "event_ids": [        

GET /devices/{deviceId}/event_single

Returns a single AutoFlex event.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

segment_id: integer
in query

The segment id of the event in

event_id: integer
in query

The id of the event

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
    "device_id": 8446,
    "segment_id": 1,
    "event_id": 23,
    "event_value": 0,
    "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/events_segment

Returns AutoFlex events of one segment.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

segment_id: integer
in query

The segment id of the event in

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "device_id": 8446,
  "segment_id": 3,
  "events": [
      "event_id": 27,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 09:56:00"      
      "event_id": 28,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"          
      "event_id": 29,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 10:58:00"       
      "event_id": 30,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 11:00:00"        

GET /devices/{deviceId}/events_device

Returns all the events, segments and schedules belongs to the device.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "device_id": 8446,
  "schedule_ids": [
      "schedule_name": "TE-SCH1",
      "schedule_repeat": 8,  
      "schedule_id": 1,
      "segment_ids": [
          "segment_name": "TE-SCH1-SEG1",
          "segment_start": 3,      
          "segment_id": 1,
          "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"
          "segment_name": "TE-SCH1-SEGX",
          "segment_start": 5,            
          "segment_id": 2,
          "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"
          "segment_name": "TE-SCH2-SEG1",
          "segment_start": 6,  
          "segment_id": 3,
          "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"
      "schedule_name": "TE-SCH2",
      "schedule_repeat": 8,        
      "schedule_id": 2,
      "segment_ids": [
            "segment_name": "TE-SCH1-SEGX",
            "segment_start": 1,
            "segment_id": 2,
            "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"
          "segment_name": "TE-SCH2-SEG1",
          "segment_start": 3,       
          "segment_id": 3,
          "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"
          "segment_name": "TE-SCH2-SEG2",
          "segment_start": 5,
          "segment_id": 4,
          "event_ids": [
              "event_id": 23,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"
              "event_id": 24,
              "event_value": 0,
              "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:09"
              "event_id": 93,
              "event_value": 1,
              "event_time": "2023-09-29 15:57:06"

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/event_single

Update a single AutoFlex event.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

segment_id: integer
in form

The segment id of the event belongs to

event_id: integer
in form

The event id

event_value: integer
in form

The event value(0/1)

event_time: string
in form

The event time, format is hh:mm:ss.

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "Message": "Event Updated.",
  "Update": {
    "segment_id": 1,
    "event_id": 23,
    "event_value": 0,
    "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/event_single

Create a single AutoFlex event.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed events are in

segment_id: integer
in form

The segment id of the event belongs to

event_value: integer
in form

The event value(0/1)

event_time: string
in form

The event time, format is hh:mm:ss.

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "Message": "Event Created.",
  "Create": {
    "segment_id": 8,
    "event_id": 163,
    "event_value": 0,
    "event_time": "2019-09-19 03:55:08"

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/event_single

Delete a single AutoFlex event.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed event is in

segment_id: integer
in path

The segment id of the event belongs to

event_id: integer
in path

The event id to be deleted.

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "Message": "Event Deleted.",
  "Delete": {
    "segment_id": 1,
    "event_id": 23,
    "event_value": 1,
    "event_time": "2023-12-19 03:55:30"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/segment_single

Get a single AutoFlex timed event segment which is added to a schedule.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed event segment is in

schedule_id: integer
in query parameters

The schedule id of the schedule which contains this segment

segment_id: integer
in query parameters

The segment id of a single segment

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"message": "Segment Details fetched successfully.",
"settings": {
  "device_id": 8751,
  "schedule_id": 5,
  "segment_id": 3,
  "segment_name": Seg test 1,
  "segment_start": 1

GET /devices/{deviceId}/segments_all

Get all AutoFlex timed event segments. Note that all the segments are retreived in this endpoint which may or maynot be added to the schedules.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed event segment is in

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

    "segment_id": 2,
    "segment_name": Seg relay 1,
    "seg_module_type": 2      
    "segment_id": 7,
    "segment_name": Seg variable 1,
    "seg_module_type": 3      
    "segment_id": 2,
    "segment_name": Seg Follow Lux 1,
    "seg_module_type": 13      
    "segment_id": 10,
    "segment_name": Seg 2,
    "seg_module_type": 2      

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/segment_single

Update one AutoFlex timed event segment name.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed event segment is in

segment_id: integer
in form-encode

The segment id of the segment.

segment_name: String
in form-encode

The name of the segment.

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

  "message": "Segment Name Updated successfully",
  "settings": {
    "segment_id": 5,
    "segment_name": Seg variable 1

PUT /devices/{deviceId}/tie_schedule_segment

Update one AutoFlex timed event segment which is added to a schedule. You can update the starting day of every segment which is configured in a schedule. Also, note that same segment can be re-used with a different start day.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the timed event segment is in

segment_id: integer
in form-encode

The segment id of the segment.

schedule_id: integer
in form-encode

The schedule id of the schedule in which the segment is added.

segment_start_new: String
in form-encode

The new start day of the segment.

segment_start_old: String
in form-encode

The old/existing start day of the segment.

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

 "message": "Segment Start Day Updated successfully",
 "settings": {
   "schedule_id": 3,
   "segment_id": 5,
   "segment_start": 11

POST /devices/{deviceId}/segment_single

Create a new AutoFlex timed event segment. Note that all new segments are independent from the schedules. Which means one has to add the segments separately using other endpoints.

Note: The segment id will auto-increment.

segment_name: string
in path

The name of the segment

segment_module_type: integer
in path

Select the following Module type for the segment:

Relay: 2

Variable: 3

Follow Lux (Light DOL-16 (0-1000lx)): 13

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

  "message": "New Segment Inserted Successfully",
  "settings": {
    "segment_id": 5,
    "segment_name": "Seg relay 1",
    "segment_module_type": 2

POST /devices/{deviceId}/tie_schedule_segment

Add an AutoFlex timed event segment to an existing schedule. One can specify the segment start days as per the requirement.

Note that the module type of the segment should be same as that of the schedule.

schedule_id: integer
in form-encode

Schedule id of the schedule

segment_id: integer
in form-encode

Segment id of the segment to be added

segment_start: integer
in form-encode

Start Day for the segment

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

"message": "Schedule and Segment Tied Successfully",
"settings": {
  "schedule_id": 3,
  "segment_id": 5,
  "segment_start": 15,
  "schedule_module_type": 2

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/segment_single

Delete single segment.

Note that the segment should be independent of any schedule before deletion.

segment_id: integer
in path

Segment id of the segment to be deleted

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

"message": "Segment Details Deleted Successfully",

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/tie_schedule_segment

Delete segment from schedule.

schedule_id: integer
in path

Schedule id of the schedule from where the segment would be deleted

segment_id: integer
in path

Segment id of the segment to be deleted from schedule

segment_start: integer
in path

Segment start day of the particular segment which is to be deleted from the schedule

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

"message": "Segment with this Start day is Successfully Deleted from Schedule Successfully!",

GET /devices/{deviceId}/light_all_schedules

Get all the Schedules data, including segments and events, from a device

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device that has Schedules data

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)

"schedule_id": 1,
"schedule_name": "timed_events_schedule",
"schedule_type": 1,
"sched_repeat_day": 31,
"output_module": 6,
"output_port": 1,
"output_module_desc": "M6O1-timed",
"input_module": 0,
"input_port": 0,
"input_module_type": 0
"input_module_desc": ""
"schedule_current_day": 10
"segments": [
  "segment_id": "1",
  "segment_name": "segment 1",
  "segment_start": "1",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 12,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"            
      "event_id": 13,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 14:00:00"            
  "segment_id": "2",
  "segment_name": "segment 20",
  "segment_start": "20",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 15,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 06:00:00"            
      "event_id": 16,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 17:00:00"            
"schedule_id": 1,
"schedule_name": "timed_events_schedule",
"schedule_type": 1,
"sched_repeat_day": 31,
"output_module": 5,
"output_port": 2,
"output_module_desc": "M5O2-timed",
"input_module": 0,
"input_port": 0,
"input_module_type": 0
"input_module_desc": ""
"schedule_current_day": 21
"segments": [
  "segment_id": "1",
  "segment_name": "segment 1",
  "segment_start": "1",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 12,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"            
      "event_id": 13,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 14:00:00"            
  "segment_id": "2",
  "segment_name": "segment 20",
  "segment_start": "20",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 15,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 06:00:00"            
      "event_id": 16,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 17:00:00"            
"schedule_id": 15,
"schedule_name": "variable schedule",
"schedule_type": 100,
"sched_repeat_day": 31,
"output_module": 1,
"output_port": 1,
"output_module_desc": "M1O1-follow-lux-schedule",
"input_module": 2,
"input_port": 1,
"input_module_type": 21
"input_module_desc": "M2O1-timev-100"
"schedule_current_day": 8
"segments": []

GET /devices/{deviceId}/single_schedule

Get a Schedule by its id

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device where the Schedule is located

schedule_id: integer
in query

The id of the Schedule

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"schedule_id": 1,
"schedule_name": "timed_events_schedule",
"schedule_type": 1,
"sched_repeat_day": 31,
"segments": [
"segment_id": "1",
"segment_name": "segment 1",
"segment_start": "1",
"events": [
  "event_id": 12,
  "event_value": 1,
  "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"            
  "event_id": 13,
  "event_value": 0,
  "event_time": "2016-08-08 14:00:00"            
"segment_id": "2",
"segment_name": "segment 20",
"segment_start": "20",
"events": [
  "event_id": 15,
  "event_value": 1,
  "event_time": "2016-08-08 06:00:00"            
  "event_id": 16,
  "event_value": 0,
  "event_time": "2016-08-08 17:00:00"            

POST /devices/{deviceId}/create_schedule

Create a new Schedule

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

schedule_name: string
in request form

The name of a new Schedule

sched_repeat_day: string
in request form

The repeating day of a new Schedule. The Schedule will start over this day

schedule_type: string
in request form

The type of the Schedule must be one of the following numbers:

1 - "Relay Schedule"

100 - "Variable Schedule"

1000 - "0-1000 Schedule"

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "The Schedule is created successfully",
"schedule_id": "13"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/single_schedule

Update a Schedule name and/or repeating day

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

schedule_id: integer
in query

The id of the Schedule

schedule_name: string
in request form

The name of the Schedule

sched_repeat_day: integer
in request form

The repeating day of the Schedule. The Schedule will start over this day

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "The Schedule is updated successfully"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/single_schedule_set_module

Set a Schedule module and port, and current day

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

schedule_id: integer
in query

The id of the Schedule

output_module: integer
in request form

The id of the module the Schedule will be tied to

output_port: integer
in request form

The id of the port the Schedule will be tied to. The new port must have a function that is compatible with a Schedule type:

Schedule Type Id Schedule Type Module Type Port Function
1 Relay 2, 8 "Timed Events"
100 Variable 3, 4 "Follow Lux" (with "Light DOL-16 (0-100 lx)" input) or "Timed Events"
1000 0-1000 3, 4 "Follow Lux" (with "Light DOL-16 (0-1000 lx)" input)
schedule_current_day: integer
in request form

The Schedule current day. It has to be less than the Repeat Day

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "The Schedule is updated successfully"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/single_schedule_module

Update a Schedule module and/or port, and/or current day

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

schedule_id: integer
in query

The id of the Schedule

output_module: integer
in query

The id of the old module the Schedule is tied to

output_port: integer
in query

The id of the old port the Schedule is tied to

output_module: integer
in request form

The id of the module the Schedule will be tied to

output_port: integer
in request form

The id of the port the Schedule will be tied to. The new port must have a function that is compatible with a Schedule type:

Schedule Type Id Schedule Type Module Type Port Function
1 Relay 2, 8 "Timed Events"
100 Variable 3, 4 "Follow Lux" (with "Light DOL-16 (0-100 lx)" input) or "Timed Events"
1000 0-1000 3, 4 "Follow Lux" (with "Light DOL-16 (0-1000 lx)" input)
schedule_current_day: integer
in request form

A new Schedule current day. It has to be less than the Repeat Day

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "The Schedule is updated successfully"

DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/single_schedule

Delete the Schedule

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

schedule_id: integer
in query

The id of the Schedule

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "The Schedule is deleted successfully"

POST /devices/{deviceId}/ramp_test

Test Ramp for Variable Follow Lux

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

mode: integer
in form

The ramp test mode,
1: ramp down to 0 lux;
2: ramp up to 100 or 1000 lux which depends on hardware.

module: integer
in form

The target module.

port: integer
in form

The target port.

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "Ramp test command issued successfully."

POST /devices/{deviceId}/auto_cali

Automatic Calibration for Follow Lux Variables

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

module: integer
in form

The target module.

port: integer
in form

The target port.

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "Automatic calibration command issued successfully."

POST /devices/{deviceId}/man_cali

Manual Calibration for Follow Lux VAC/VDC and Timed VAC

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device

module: integer
in form

The target module.

port: integer
in form

The target port.

200 OK

Successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
"Message": "Manual calibration command issued successfully."


Configuration is a quick overview of the hardware available inside of one device.

AutoFlex Modules

module_type Description
1 IN4 - Input module
2 RM4 - Relay output module
3 VDC4 - Variable DC output module
4 VAC1 - Variable AC output module
5 ACT1 - Actuator output module
8 RM2 - Relay with current output module
9 VCMDC1 - Variable chimney fan output module
10 LD2 - Loop drive output module
11 LS4 - Loop sense input module for chaindisk
12 ACT1T - Time Feedback Actuator Module

GET /devices/{deviceId}/configuration

Returns all smart modules' configured inputs and outputs.

200 OK

successful operation

404 Not Found

No configuration found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "device_id": "645",
  "module_num": "2",
  "io_num": "1",
  "group_id": "17042",
  "name": "Module 2 Output 1",
  "module_type": "2",
  "io_type": "temperature",
  "current_reading": "20.1",
  "alarm_code": "1",
  "alarm_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "version_number": "1.02",
  "reading_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22"


AutoFlex Outputs

Output Types

Module type 2, 3, 4 and 8

io_type Description
1 Cooling
2 Heating
3 Cooling duty cycle
4 Heating duty cycle
5 Timed events
6 Trigger relay
7 Follow variable
8 Follow relay
9 Heat mat 1k temperature probe
10 Heat mat 3k temperature probe
11 Heat mat 5k temperature probe
12 Misting and fogging
13 Follow lux sensor
14 Air curtain blower
Module type 5 and 12 - Actuators
io_type Description
1 Potentiometer feedback
2 No feedback - time
5 Chaindisk
6 Timed feedback
Module type 9 - Chimney Fan
io_type Description
1 Feedback
2 No feedback

Output Types

Module type 2

IO Number Reading
All IOs 0=open
Module type 3
IO number Reading
All IOs 0-100%
Module type 4
IO number Reading
1 0-100%
2 °C - If output type 9-11
3 Amps
Module type 5 and 12
IO number Output type Reading
1 1,6 0-100%
1 2,5 0=Idle
Module type 8
IO Number Reading
1,2 0=open
3,4 Amperage

GET /devices/{deviceId}/outputs

Returns all outputs for one device.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the outputs are in

start: string
in query

Start date-time of the input history

end: string
in query

End date-time of the input history

200 OK

successful operation

404 Not Found

No outputs found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "device_id": "645",
  "module_num": "2",
  "io_num": "1",
  "group_id": "17042",
  "name": "Module 2 Output 1",
  "module_type": "2",
  "io_type": "1",
  "current_reading": "20.1",
  "alarm_code": "1",
  "alarm_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "version_number": "1.02",
  "reading_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "values": [
      "reading": "23",
      "time": "2019-11-25 20:20:00"

GET /devices/{deviceId}/outputs/settings

Returns output settings for one output.

devicdId: integer
in path

The id of the device the outputs are in

module_num: integer
in query

The module number of the output you want to retrieve

io_num: integer
in query

The io number of the output you want to retrieve

successful operation

404 Not Found

No outputs found

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Success",
  "fixed stage settings": [
      "setpoint": "23"
  "variable output settings": [
      "setpoint": "21",
      "idle_setpoint": "23",
      "idle_speed": "50",
      "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Inlet no feedback settings": [
      "setpoint": "20",
      "idle_band": "3",
      "open_runtime": "180",
      "open_idle_time": "240",
      "close_runtime": "120",
      "close_idle_time": "300"
  "Inlet With Feedback Settings": [
      "minimum": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "5"
      "stage1": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "10",
        "differential_setpoint": "21"
      "stage2": {
        "setpoint": "22",
        "position": "20",
        "differential_setpoint": "23"
      "stage3": {
        "setpoint": "23",
        "position": "30",
        "differential_setpoint": "24"
      "stage4": {
        "setpoint": "24",
        "position": "40",
        "differential_setpoint": "25"
      "stage5": {
        "setpoint": "25",
        "position": "50",
        "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Misting Order output settings": [
      "misting_function": "1",
      "misting_order": "3",
  "Timed Event/Follow Lux output settings": [
      "schedule_id": "8",
      "schedule_current_day": "3",

POST /devices/{deviceId}/outputs/settings

Sets output settings for one output.

module_num: integer
in form

The module number of the output you want to retrieve

io_num: integer
in form

The io number of the output you want to retrieve

settings: number
in form

Please see Output Settings Schema for appropriate settings to send

misting_function: integer
in form for io_type = 12

Only used for setting following misting/soaking functions:-

Disabled Relay = 0 (misting_order = 0)

Misters = 1 (misting_order = 2 to 15)

Pumps = 2 (misting_order = 16)

Fans = 3 (misting_order = 16)

misting_order: integer
in form for io_type = 12

The order of the various functions set according to the misting_function

successful operation

404 Not Found

No outputs found

422 Unprocessable Entity

Missing post data

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Success",
  "fixed stage settings": [
      "setpoint": "23"
  "variable output settings": [
      "setpoint": "21",
      "idle_setpoint": "23",
      "idle_speed": "50",
      "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Inlet no feedback settings": [
      "setpoint": "20",
      "idle_band": "3",
      "open_runtime": "180",
      "open_idle_time": "240",
      "close_runtime": "120",
      "close_idle_time": "300"
  "Inlet With Feedback Settings": [
      "minimum": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "5"
      "stage1": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "10",
        "differential_setpoint": "21"
      "stage2": {
        "setpoint": "22",
        "position": "20",
        "differential_setpoint": "23"
      "stage3": {
        "setpoint": "23",
        "position": "30",
        "differential_setpoint": "24"
      "stage4": {
        "setpoint": "24",
        "position": "40",
        "differential_setpoint": "25"
      "stage5": {
        "setpoint": "25",
        "position": "50",
        "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Misting Order output settings": [
      "misting_function": "1",
      "misting_order": "3",

POST /devices/{deviceId}/outputs/manual_override

Returns output settings for one output.

module_num: integer
in form

The module number of the output you want to retrieve

io_num: integer
in form

The io number of the output you want to retrieve

enabled: integer
in form

Either 1 or 0. 1 enables override, 0 disables override.

value: integer
in form

The value that will be used when overriding. Only used if enabled is 1.

duration: integer
in form

The length of the override in seconds. 0 duration means it will not leave override. Default: 0

200 OK

successful operation

404 Not Found

No outputs found

422 Unprocessable Entity

Missing post data


AutoFlex Inputs

io_type unit
temperature °C
humidity %
co2 PPM
static_pressure wc
nh3 PPM
wind_speed km/h
wind_direction azimuth degrees
digital_input boolean(on/off)
rain_sensor boolean(rain/no rain)
pulse_counter pulse/min
light lux
barometric_pressure hPa

GET /devices/{deviceId}/inputs

Returns all Inputs of a device and their recording history.

deviceId: integer
in path

The id of the device the inputs are in

start: string
in query

Start date-time of the input history

end: string
in query

End date-time of the input history

200 OK

successful operation

Response Example (200 OK)
  "name": "Temp input",
  "io_num": "1",
  "module_number": "3",
  "io_type": "temperature",
  "values": [
      "reading": "23",
      "time": "2019-11-25 20:20:00"


Used to refresh expired Access Keys.

Code Description
0 New key issued
1 Key still valid
2 Missing post data
3 Access token recieved instead of refresh token

POST /refresh

Steps to get a new access token using the active Refresh Token:

To refresh the token once the access token has expired, one can send the POST request at URL: https://api.phason.ca/refresh in a client such as POSTMAN or Thunder Client CLI to create a new set of tokens.

The following parameters would be necessary for the request to work:

  1. The expired Access Token is required in Bearer Token column.
  2. The client_id, secret and the current Refresh Token is required in the body column of the request.
Note: Please makes sure to use the exact same parameters and credentials in the request as they are case sensitive.

client_id: string
in form

Client ID access key is attached to

secret: string
in form

Associated client secret

refresh_token: string
in form

Refresh token associated with access key used to authenticate

200 OK

successful operation

422 Unprocessable Entity

Missing post data

Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "New key issued",
  "code": "0",
  "expiry": "1647032643",
  "access_key": "acccess_key",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"
Response Example (200 OK)
  "message": "Key Still Valid",
  "code": "0",
  "expiry": "1647032643",
  "access_key": "acccess_key",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"

Schema Definitions

Device: object

device_id: integer
device_name: string
host_name: string
device_type: string
version: string
last_reported_on: timestamp
  "device_id": "5555",
  "device_name": "My AFX 2",
  "host_name": "AutoFlex-3AA2AA",
  "device_type": "AutoFlex Connect"
  "version": "3.08.01"
  "last_reported_on": "2024-07-23 05:55:55"

Room: object

room_id: integer
room_name: string
  "room_id": "1217",
  "room_name": "First Room"

Equipment Group: object

group_id: integer
room_id: integer
group_type: integer
group_type_description: string
group_name: string
current_reading: double
alarm_code: integer
alarm_time: integer
target_value: integer
target_lower_limit: object
target_upper_limit: double
reading_time: string
  "group_id": "12402",
  "room_id": "1217",
  "group_type": "1",
  "group_type_description": "temperature",
  "group_name": "Group 1",
  "current_reading": "21.4",
  "alarm_code": "0",
  "alarm_time": "0",
  "target_value": "0",
  "target_lower_limit": "0",
  "target_upper_limit": "5",
  "reading_time": "2022-05-04 09:50:12"

Equipment Group Settings: object

message: string
settings: object[]
setting_num: number
settings_name: number
master_setpoint: number
  "message": "Success",
  "settings": [
      "setting_num": 1,
      "settings_name": "Room settings mode 1",
      "master_setpoint": 23.4

Misting Group: object

group_id: integer
room_id: integer
function_mode: integer
active: integer
active_start_time: integer
active_end_time: integer
cycle_duration: integer
min_misting_duration: integer
max_misting_duration: integer
soak_duration: integer
min_cycle_duration: integer
max_cycle_duration: integer
low_temp: integer
high_temp: integer
max_temp: integer
pump_delay: integer
humidity_bypass_active: integer
humidity_setpt: integer
humidity_module_num: integer
humidity_io_num: integer
low_thi: integer
high_thi: integer
max_thi: integer
entered_by: string
    "group_id": "12402",
    "room_id": "1217",
    "function_mode": "0",
    "active": "0",
    "active_start_time": "0",
    "active_end_time": "82800",
    "cycle_duration": "1980",
    "min_misting_duration": "60",
    "max_misting_duration": "120",
    "soak_duration": "180",
    "min_cycle_duration": "2940",
    "max_cycle_duration": "3900",
    "low_temp": "20",
    "high_temp": "26.7",
    "max_temp": "32.2",
    "pump_delay": "10",
    "humidity_bypass_active": "0",
    "humidity_setpt": "80",
    "humidity_module_num": "10",
    "humidity_io_num": "1",
    "low_thi": "68",
    "high_thi": "72",
    "max_thi": "78",
    "entered_by": "Jon Doe"

Misting Group Settings: object

message: string
settings: object[]
settings_num: integer
function_mode: integer
active: integer
active_start_time: integer
active_end_time: integer
cycle_duration: integer
min_misting_duration: integer
max_misting_duration: integer
soak_duration: integer
min_cycle_duration: integer
max_cycle_duration: integer
low_temp: integer
high_temp: integer
max_temp: integer
pump_delay: integer
humidity_bypass_active: integer
humidity_setpt: integer
low_thi: integer
high_thi: integer
max_thi: integer
 "message": "Success",
 "settings": [
      "settings_num": 0,
      "function_mode": 0,
      "active": 0,
      "active_start_time": 0,
      "active_end_time": 0,
      "cycle_duration": 0,
      "min_mist_duration": 0,
      "max_mist_duration": 0,
      "soak_duration": 0,
      "min_cycle_duration": 0,
      "max_cycle_duration": 0,
      "low_temp": 0,
      "high_temp": 0,
      "max_temp": 0,
      "pump_delay": 0,
      "humidity_bypass_active": 0,
      "humidity_setpt": 0
      "low_thi": 0
      "high_thi": 0
      "max_thi": 0

Time: object

datetime: datetime
timezone: string
  "datetime": "2022-05-23 09:54:23",
  "timezone": "America/Chicago"

Segment: object

segment_id: integer
segment_name: string
segment_start: integer
segment_module_type: integer
events: array

  "segment_id": "1",
  "segment_name": "segment 1",
  "segment_start": "1",
  "segment_module_type": "2",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 12,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"            
      "event_id": 13,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 14:00:00"            
  "segment_id": "2",
  "segment_name": "segment 5",
  "segment_start": "20",
  "segment_module_type": "3",
  "events": [
      "event_id": 15,
      "event_value": 1,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 06:00:00"            
      "event_id": 16,
      "event_value": 0,
      "event_time": "2016-08-08 17:00:00"            

Schedule: object

schedule_id: integer
schedule_name: string
schedule_type: integer
sched_repeat_day: integer
segments: array
      "schedule_id": 1,
      "schedule_name": "timed_events_schedule",
      "schedule_type": 1,
      "sched_repeat_day": 31,
      "segments": [
        "segment_id": "1",
        "segment_name": "segment 1",
        "segment_start": "1",
        "events": [
            "event_id": 12,
            "event_value": 1,
            "event_time": "2016-08-08 12:00:00"            
            "event_id": 13,
            "event_value": 0,
            "event_time": "2016-08-08 14:00:00"            
        "segment_id": "2",
        "segment_name": "segment 20",
        "segment_start": "20",
        "events": [
            "event_id": 15,
            "event_value": 1,
            "event_time": "2016-08-08 06:00:00"            
            "event_id": 16,
            "event_value": 0,
            "event_time": "2016-08-08 17:00:00"            

Configuration: object

device_id: integer
module_num: integer
io_num: integer
group_id: integer
name: string
module_type: integer
io_type: integer
current_reading: double
alarm_code: integer
alarm_time: timestamp
version_number: string
reading_time: timestamp
  "device_id": "645",
  "module_num": "2",
  "io_num": "1",
  "group_id": "17042",
  "name": "Module 2 Output 1",
  "module_type": "2",
  "io_type": "1",
  "current_reading": "20.1",
  "alarm_code": "1",
  "alarm_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "version_number": "1.02",
  "reading_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22"

Output: object

device_id: integer
module_num: integer
io_num: integer
group_id: integer
name: string
module_type: integer
io_type: integer
current_reading: double
alarm_code: integer
alarm_time: timestamp
version_number: string
reading_time: timestamp
values: object[]
reading: number
time: string
  "device_id": "645",
  "module_num": "2",
  "io_num": "1",
  "group_id": "17042",
  "name": "Module 2 Output 1",
  "module_type": "2",
  "io_type": "1",
  "current_reading": "20.1",
  "alarm_code": "1",
  "alarm_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "version_number": "1.02",
  "reading_time": "2022-02-22 22:22:22",
  "values": [
      "reading": "23",
      "time": "2019-11-25 20:20:00"

Output Settings: object

message: string
fixed stage settings: object[]
setpoint: number
variable output settings: object[]
setpoint: number
idle_setpoint: number
idle_speed: number
differential_setpoint: number
Inlet no feedback settings: object[]
setpoint: number
idle_band: number
open_runtime: number
open_idle_time: number
close_runtime: number
close_idle_time: number
Inlet With Feedback Settings: object[]
minimum: object
setpoint: number
position: number
stage1: object
setpoint: number
position: number
differential_setpoint: number
stage2: object
setpoint: number
position: number
differential_setpoint: number
stage3: object
setpoint: number
position: number
differential_setpoint: number
stage4: object
setpoint: number
position: number
differential_setpoint: number
stage5: object
setpoint: number
position: number
differential_setpoint: number
Misting Order output settings: object[]
misting_function: number
misting_order: number
  "message": "Success",
  "fixed stage settings": [
      "setpoint": "23"
  "variable output settings": [
      "setpoint": "21",
      "idle_setpoint": "23",
      "idle_speed": "50",
      "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Inlet no feedback settings": [
      "setpoint": "20",
      "idle_band": "3",
      "open_runtime": "180",
      "open_idle_time": "240",
      "close_runtime": "120",
      "close_idle_time": "300"
  "Inlet With Feedback Settings": [
      "minimum": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "5"
      "stage1": {
        "setpoint": "20",
        "position": "10",
        "differential_setpoint": "21"
      "stage2": {
        "setpoint": "22",
        "position": "20",
        "differential_setpoint": "23"
      "stage3": {
        "setpoint": "23",
        "position": "30",
        "differential_setpoint": "24"
      "stage4": {
        "setpoint": "24",
        "position": "40",
        "differential_setpoint": "25"
      "stage5": {
        "setpoint": "25",
        "position": "50",
        "differential_setpoint": "26"
  "Misting Order output settings": [
      "misting_function": "1",
      "misting_order": "3",

Input: object

name: string
io_num: integer (int64)
module_number: integer (int64)
io_type: string
values: object[]
reading: number
time: string
  "name": "Temp input",
  "io_num": "1",
  "module_number": "3",
  "io_type": "temperature",
  "values": [
      "reading": "23",
      "time": "2019-11-25 20:20:00"

Token: object

message: string
code: integer (int64)
expiry: integer (int64)
access_key: string
refresh_token: string
  "message": "New key issued",
  "code": "0",
  "expiry": "1647032643",
  "access_key": "acccess_key",
  "refresh_token": "refresh_token"